
Elizabeth’s narrative non-fiction memoir, Chasing Portraits: A Great Granddaughter’s Quest for Her Lost Art Legacy was published by NAL/Penguin Random House in 2016 and received a Kirkus Starred Review. She wrote, produced, and appeared in the documentary film, Chasing Portraits (distributed by First Run Features). She’s been featured in the New York Times [A ‘Moral Imperative to Recover a Lost Art Legacy and ‘Chasing Portraits’ Review: Seeking Art Lost During the Holocaust], been a guest on NPR affiliate stations, and been a speaker at bookstores, libraries, book festivals, and film screenings around the world. Her podcast, That Sinking Feeling: Adventures in ADHD and Ship Salvage will be available in January 2025. She’s working on a novel inspired by real events.

Elizabeth has a BA in Rhetoric from Bates College and an MA in Rhetoric and Communication from UC Davis. She lives in Oakland, California with her husband, two sons, and three black cats.