Susan Greenway

Susan R. Greenway is a former elementary school teacher and reading specialist. She is a longtime member of SCBWI (Society of Children’s Books Writers and Illustrators) and a graduate of the University of Washington Writing for Children Program. Elephant Touch is her debut novel, inspired by an extraordinary experience she had with an elephant in Thailand. 

Instagram: @susanrgreenway


What is your favorite non-reading activity?

I have several favorite activities besides reading. One of them is being outside in a beautiful place, whether that be on the top of a snow-covered mountain skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer or being at the oceanside watching the waves break. Another favorite activity of mine is spending time with close friends and family over coffee or a meal or taking a walk.

What’s the difference between being an author and a writer? How do you shift gears between the two?

A writer is someone who writes because there’s something inside them that has to come out through their written words. It’s perhaps their best mode of communication with the world. Being an author is slightly different because it implies a public presence. When you’re an author, you don’t just write for yourself. You write for an intended audience and, if possible, share that work with others. I see it as two parts of a whole. A writer is an intrinsic part of some people’s very being. An author is the public side of that. One shifts back and forth depending upon the situation they are in. Being an author takes perhaps more courage because it invites both praise and criticism.

Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome?

Oh yes! I imagine it’s common to most writers. It’s the whisper you hear in your head that your story or piece isn’t good enough and that a real author could do it so much better. I’ve come to realize that there will always be better and worse authors than myself, and that’s okay. Everyone’s voice is uniquely theirs.

Vacation druthers – city or rural destination? Why?

I love to travel and when I do, I like a mix of both. When traveling internationally, I enjoy seeing the architecture, exploring the museums, tasting the cuisine, and watching the everyday residents at outdoor markets. But after a while, I need to retreat to the quietness of the countryside or ocean and breathe in its beauty and restoration.

What brings you great joy?

Seeing relationships thrive – in family and in friendships.