Lyn Lia Butler

Lyn Liao Butler was born in Taiwan and moved to the States when she was seven. In her past and present lives, she has been: a concert pianist, a professional ballet and modern dancer, a fitness studio owner, a personal trainer and instructor, an RYT-200 hour yoga instructor, a purse designer with an Etsy shop and most recently, author of multi-cultural women’s fiction. Lyn did not have a Tiger Mom. She came about her over-achieving all on her own. 

Twitter: @LynLiaoButler

Instagram: @LynLiaoButler

Facebook: @LynLiaoButlerAuthor

Favorite non-reading activity?

Can I pick two? Sewing and playing with dogs.

I love to sew. It’s like meditation to me, and lets me unwind at the end of the night, as I marinate plot points and character developments. And I adore dogs. We foster for two rescue groups and I also volunteer at shelters when I can. We currently have 3 dogs: two mini dachshunds and one dachshund/Chesapeake Bay retriever mix.


Is your go to comfort food sweet or savory? Is it something you make yourself? Does food inspire your writing?

I am savory all the way. I don’t have a sweet tooth, much to my husband’s dismay. I love food so much, especially Asian foods. I dream of the night markets in Taiwan—some of the best food I have ever had. And yes, food plays a big role in all my books. I never realized that until my debut, The Tiger Mom’s Tale, came out and everyone kept saying how hungry they were as they read the book.


Have you ever experienced Imposter Syndrome?

ALL the time. It doesn’t matter that I’ve sold three books, I still think I have no idea what I’m doing and that it was all a fluke. I don’t think we ever really get over that, especially when a book is rejected, or you get bad reviews. But I love writing and new stories keep popping into my head so I just keep letting them out and hope someone likes them.


Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

Rural, beach all the way. I hate the cold so for me, vacation means a warm place with a beach. I lived in New York City for over a decade and now while I like going to the city for day visits, a vacation is nature, fresh air and the ocean for me. My absolute favorite place to visit is Kauai.


Do you speak a second language? Do you think differently in that language? Does it influence your writing?

Yes, I can speak Taiwanese and passable Mandarin. I was born in Taiwan and didn’t learn English until I was seven so Taiwanese and Mandarin were actually my first languages. I do think differently because there are phrases in Taiwanese/Mandarin that have no directly translation into English. I try to bring some Taiwanese/Mandarin into all my books, since certain phrases are as commonplace to me as English words.