Prior to writing Sometimes Shells Make Sand, author Julie Doyle Cullen spent thirty years as an executive, mostly in the media business. During the pandemic, Julie transitioned her career to a company of community-based healthcare centers focused on senior adults. Julie currently resides in St. Clair Shores, Michigan with her husband Mark. They have three adult daughters between them that they love dearly: Kylie, Caitlin, and Erin. Unfortunately, Winnie the Labradoodle recently passed away, and is currently running wild in heaven reunited with her previous owner, Suzanne, Julie’s mother.
Twitter: @JulieDoyleCull
Are there particular films that have influenced your writing?
I am a complete sucker for a great old chick flick with a tragic ending and even a big song. For example; One True Thing, Terms of Endearment, Steel Magnolias, Beaches…you get the idea. I am not afraid to unleash an ugly cry even if I’m not alone. My book has these themes, and even though it is based on true events, I know my movie loves have influenced my writing.
What’s the oddest thing a reader has ever asked you?
I was once asked if there was a way to get in touch with one of my character’s. It was very strange and prompted me to ask “why do you want to do that?” The response was also strange, since they had a business idea they wanted to pitch to this character. This particular character was based on a real life person but not exactly real. Needless to say, I did not get them connected.
Is your go to comfort food sweet or savory? Is it something you make yourself? Does food inspire your writing?
My go to comfort food is always something sweet and I love to bake in my spare time. It is somewhat of a problem though, and I have to find people to give the end products to or I would weigh 500 pounds. I reference some of my favorite bakes in my book — example, Raspberry Dream Cake.
Not all books are for all readers… when you start a book and you just don’t like it, how long do you read until you bail?
I read a lot of books and I am not proud to say this but my attention span is short. I decide if I will continue with a book after the 3rd chapter. If the story is not grabbing my attention or the characters are not interesting, I’m on to the next book. There are so many great stories that I don’t want to waste time on ones that don’t appeal to me.
What brings you great joy?
Ever since I can remember, I have had an intense love for Christmas. It’s not the presents, it’s the season and all the beauty it brings both visually and for the soul. My thoughts about Christmas enter my head all year long and I am always planning my multiple trees. I cover a complete chapter related to my Christmas obsession in my book, which includes a very crazy family story.