Diane Nine

Diane Nine is the President of Nine Speakers, Inc. is a full service entertainment agency representing people across the world in a number of areas including the literary, lecture, theatrical, film, and television arenas.  Diane is a graduate of George Washington University’s Law School.  She is the author of BE AN AUTHOR, and her latest book, MY LIFE WITH HELEN: THE DEAN OF THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS CORPS THROUGH HER AGENT’S EYES.

Not all books are for all readers… when you start a book and you just don’t like it, how long do you read until you bail?

I do a lot of reading as a literary agent, and I feel obligated to read enough of submissions to determine if it’s worthy of representation to find a publisher.  Sometimes, 50 pages is enough to determine I am going to pass.  However, when I read for pleasure I always finish the book, and most of the time I’m glad I read until the end.

Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

I usually like to vacation in someplace other than a city.  I think this is because I live in a city. But I do love to visit other cities at times.  London is one of my favorites.

Do you collect anything? If so, what, why, and for how long?

I have collected monkey things since I was a child.  It began with a stuffed animal that I adored.  I now have monkey lamps, a table, statues, a rug, and probably anything else you can think of that can be turned into a monkey. I even have monkey wallpaper in one of my bathrooms.

What’s the difference (at least for you!) between being a writer and an author? How do you shift gears between the two?

Anybody who writes is a writer.  Once a writer is published, they become an author.  Writers don’t promote their work, but authors do (or should).  I may be influence by my job, though! 

What brings you great joy?

I am filled with joy when others are happy.  In my work, I still feel a sense of joy every time one of my clients has a book published.