Philip Mann

Philip Mann has begun a genre loosely called Jewish paranormal, which is to say, a non-existent genre. The best way to describe it, he believes, is a dark, Jewish version of Bewitched, a sixties comedy.

 The series is called Dark Muse.

 He lives in Montreal with his endlessly patient wife and the characters of his novel.

Are there particular films that have influenced your writing?

The 1989 version of Henry V, by Kenneth Branagh. It showed the power of words, of slight inflections I saw it about eight times, in all.

What’s your favorite comic strip or graphic novel?

Calvin and Hobbes, by several lengths. The author always talking to us through Calvin, his long-suffering dad, his poor teacher, is was just in a class by itself. And the author never sold out, either.

Favorite non-reading activity?

I bake a little. Rollie-pollies, which is crushed nut and chopped raisins, smothered in marmalade and rolled up in cookie dough. And cocoa mandelbroit, or biscottie, with about half the weight of flour in walnuts. I also love making my own breakfast, getting the French toast just right. I used to make corn bread , years ago.

Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

City life for me. I like the energy. I never believed in writer`s getaways. You have to be able to both get ideas from the city, and tune it out when needed. By the way, druthers is really dating yourself.

Is there another profession you would like to try?

I would love to be a psychologist. The idea of looking into other people`s lives, and reading so much about human behavior is just fascinating.