Episode 4.

That Sinking Feeling: Adventures in ADHD and Ship Salvage is about my son’s ADHD seen through the lens of my Dad’s ship salvage career. It’s peppered with stories and insights from interviews with parents whose kids have ADHD and from individuals who have ADHD themselves. Episode Four: Drop the Rope. The ship discussed in this episode is the Igara.

Read the Transcript

Read about my father’s Igara job in my guest blog post for the Global Maritime History website.

The drawing in my father’s files that shows the position of the Igara and the explosive cut line. The drawing was made by Bob Johnson, an artist who did a lot of work for my father over the course of his salvage career.

The above drawing shows the position of the Igara as she sat partially submerged in the South China Sea. The drawing reflects the stern section that was salvaged and the explosive cut line.

A few news articles my Dad saved:

Blast that saved $45 m
The Straits Times, 27 June 1973, Page 1

Explosive surgery saves bottomed ore/oil carrier. Valuable stern section saved in classic open water salvage. 15 August 1974. Fairplay International Shipping Weekly.

The Business Review. Mar/April 1974. Page15.

A diver’s video footage from the wreck of the Igara.