Felice Cohen

Felice Cohen, author, speaker, Holocaust educator, is known nationally and internationally as the woman who lived in the world’s smallest apartment. Her award-winning book 90 Lessons for Living Large in 90 Square Feet (…or more) is a “want to” guide motivating people to do more of what they love by letting go of extra stuff. The book was inspired by the YouTube video of her 90-square-foot NYC studio that went viral with over 22 million views, gaining media attention across the globe. As the grandchild of two Holocaust survivors, Felice is also the author of What Papa Told Me, a memoir about her grandfather’s life before, during and after the war. The book has been endorsed by Elie Wiesel, is taught in schools and has been translated into Polish. Felice has a memoir coming out soon called No Whining.

Twitter: @FeliceCohen

Instagram: felicecohen90

What’s your favorite comic strip or graphic novel?

Hard to answer, I love graphic novels. Fun Home for sure, but I loved both Persepolis books.


What do you worry about?

My family. It’s the only thing that matters.


Do you have another artistic outlet in addition to your writing? Do you sew? Paint? Draw? Knit? Dance?

Besides breakdancing (I grew up in the 80s, couldn’t be avoided) I love to make Shrinky Dink art. I used to paint silk neckties as well. Tropical fish are my expertise. And do jigsaw puzzles count? Love them.


Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

Rural. I love hiking and cycling in new places. The fresh air, the quiet stillness, nature. Even though I’m exercising, it’s so relaxing to me.


Is there a genre of music that influences your writing/thinking? Do you listen to music while you write?

My writing is not influenced by music, however in my new memoir, Janis Ian’s music played a big part of that time period. Her lyrics are genius. When I write I sometimes listen to George Winston and Jim Brickman. Piano music fills the void of silence but is not distracting.