P.D. Blackwell

P.D. Blackwell is an accomplished author in the field of Science Fiction. With years of experience crafting compelling stories that challenge the imagination, P.D. Blackwell is a name that is synonymous with excellence. P.D. Blackwell’s fiction writing is characterized by a deep understanding of human nature and an ability to weave complex themes into captivating plots. Readers are sure to be engrossed in P.D. Blackwell’s works and will come away with a new appreciation for the power of storytelling.

What is your favorite non-reading activity?

Hiking in the wilderness. For many years I enjoyed exploring remote countries. Today I’ll settle for a brisk, brief hike in the forest, free of stinging insects and grizzly bears.

What’s the difference (at least for you) between being a writer and an author?

The term “writer” can encompass multiple occupations. Someone who write slogans for a marketing firm; anyone who is skilled at expressing their ideas in written form; someone who is part of a team tasked with producing written material for an employer. All authors are writers, but all writers are not authors. An author produces material relevant to their projects, whether short story, novel, or screenplay. These personal projects originate, from an original idea, either fiction or non-fiction, and require research before moving from outline to finished narrative.

How do you shift gears between the two?

I have no need for more than one gear. 

I offer advice when asked, but have not collaborated with other writers on their projects.

Do you have another artistic outlet in addition to your writing? 

I enjoy creating digital art using Photoshop, Vue, and Lightwave. I also set time aside for piano and guitar.

If you could create a museum exhibition, what would be the theme?

Mind Fantasies: The Many Worlds of P.D. Blackwell.

Who do you think would really enjoy reading your book?

All lovers of science fiction. Anyone with a desire to delve into a compelling, complex saga of exploration set 1500 years in the future. War among the human clans threatens to collapse human civilization, while contact with a mysterious alien species foreshadows the potential annihilation of all humans. Follow Bev Colli and Arlud Erstallius as they navigate the chaos to find a solution to stop the clan war, and bring an end to the alien threat.

What is something other than writing that brings you great joy?

Helping others find the narrow road to spiritual enlightenment. After 40 years of study, I have learned to advise when asked, to share when appropriate, and to be silent when words get in the way.