Shelley Nolden

Photo by Cassie Jackson

A graduate of the University of Minnesota, Shelley Nolden is an entrepreneur and writer, now residing in Wisconsin. Previously, she lived in the New York City area, where she first learned of North Brother Island. At the age of 31, Shelley was diagnosed with leukemia and completed treatment three years later. The sense of isolation and fear she experienced during her cancer ordeal influenced her debut novel, THE VINES.

Twitter: @ShelleyNolden

Instagram: @Shelley_Nolden


What’s your favorite comic strip or graphic novel?

I’ve always been a huge fan of Calvin & Hobbes. As a child, I would play with my stuffed animals behind my closed bedroom door for hours at a time, so the concept of a stuffed tiger that comes alive only for its owner was highly appealing to me then. And still is! Calvin has such a vivid imagination. During my childhood I related to him. These days, as I’m working on the sequel to The Vines, I still try to channel that breed of magical creativity.


Favorite non-reading activity

I swim. The pool is the one place where nothing can interrupt or distract me. I love the peace and quiet that comes with having your face underwater. When I’m struggling with plotting issues, I jump in and don’t stop till I’ve worked through the issue. When I’m craving companionship, or the challenge of a tougher workout, I join my friends for a masters swim team practice.


What do you worry about?

Everything. At the age of 31, I was diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia. While I’m now considered cured, I still worry about latent side effects and secondary cancers from my treatments. As well as shark attacks, slipping on a toy on our stairs, and sink holes. It’s hard to brush off the possibility that an extremely low-probability event could happen to me or a loved one when it’s already been proven once that it’s possible. Fortunately, with each year that passes since my cancer ordeal, it gets a little easier, though this pandemic certainly hasn’t helped anyone’s anxiety level!


Is there another profession you would like to try?

I would love to see what it’s like to be an Imagineer at The Walt Disney Company. To work with such extraordinary creative talent, even for just a day, would be an incredible experience. I have so many happy memories of family vacations at Walt Disney World; it would be a dream come true to help create a new attraction for future families to enjoy.


What brings you great joy?

Other people’s successes. These days, with social media, it’s so easy to fall into the trap of seeing others’ high points in your feed and feeling down about yourself and/or envious. Given that tug in the other direction, it feels even better to be genuinely, wholeheartedly happy for someone else. Because it makes you feel good about yourself at the same time. Our digital society has become so competitive; I love resisting that momentum by cheering others on, especially when they accomplish something I long for myself.