Steve Prentice

Steve Prentice is a social worker, artist, photographer, and the author of Seventh Generation.

While working with youth and adults, he has seen firsthand the desire to hide from that which is painful. Seventh Generation addresses these concerns through the eyes of a young teenager in a way that is relatable for readers of all ages.

Steve has a Bachelor of Science in Sociology and a Master of Social Work. While pursuing these degrees, he was introduced to Carl Jung, a psychiatrist, and Joseph Campbell, a mythologist. Seventh Generation shows how their work on the power of mythology and symbolism have influenced Steve’s understanding of the world and our desire to find our place within it.

He lives with his wife, their daughter, and the two cats who claim the family as their own.

Instagram:  @prentice.striks

Twitter: @StevePrentice7

What is your favorite none writing activity?

My favorite none writing activity is to create visual art. I have been doing visual art most of my life and have worked in a wide variety of mediums including oils, acrylic, mixed media, and photography. Most recently I have been exploring the use of watercolor to paint landscapes.


Is there another profession you would like to try?

I have always wanted to be a cultural anthropologist with an emphasis in mythology as a profession. I find human behavior on a micro and macro level endlessly fascinating.


Vacation druthers… City or Rural destination? Why?

While I love rural settings and the peacefulness that you can find there, when it comes to vacation druthers, I prefer to explore large cities. I have a great passion for all things creative and enjoy the creative diversity and energy that you can find in large cities.


Is your go to comfort food sweet or savory? Is it something you make yourself? Does food inspire your writing?

My go to comfort foods if I am at home is to make a simple grilled ham and cheese sandwich. If I am out and about, I prefer a good everything bagel with cream cheese. My love of these two foods made its way into Seventh Generation. There is nothing better than a warm fresh Murray’s Bagel.


Is there a work of art that you love. Why? Have you ever visited it in person?

I love Vincent van Gogh’s “self-portrait in a straw hat.” I love the expressive energy that Van Gogh painted with. I spent many hours studying his paintings when I lived in New York.