Susan J. Farese, MSN, RN, (Veteran), a native of NJ, is owner/president of SJF Communications, San Diego, CA. Ms. Farese has diversified experience in health care/communications, including military and civilian nursing practice, management, education/training, research and consulting. SJF Communications provides Public Relations, Social Media, Websites, Writing, Acting, Filmmaking, Mentoring and Photography. Clients include theatres, musicians, filmmakers, authors and businesses. Susan is the author of the book “Poetic Expressions in Nursing: Sharing the Caring” (1993 and 2021) and has written poetry and articles on a variety of topics. She is on the Advisory Board for San Diego Film Week, and is a member of SAG-AFTRA, Veterans in Media & Entertainment, San Diego Writers, Ink, Southern California Writers Association and the San Diego Press Club.
Twitter: @sjfcommo
Instagram: @sjfcommo
Facebook: @sjfcommunications
Are there particular films that have influenced your writing?
The film Awakenings with Robert DeNiro and Robin Williams definitely influenced my writing in 1991. One of the characters in the film, “Lucy”, played by Alice Drummond, who sat in a wheelchair and caught a red ball with a captivating gaze, enthralled me. I cried during the film and was ‘awakened’ reminiscing about my maternal grandmother who suffered from early Alzheimers. A few days later I wrote the poem “Ann’s Zest Ends”. The response to that poem was the catalyst for continuing to write, which led to my poetry book Poetic Expressions in Nursing: Sharing the Caring in 1993 and most recently the second edition in 2021, (available now in paperback, eBook and Audiobook versions). As a nurse poet I feel strongly in poetry as a cathartic, therapeutic avenue to share stories, examine and clarify our values, understand or resolve conflicts, etc.
Favorite non-reading activity?
I would have to say it is a toss up so basically a combination! I love bird watching and nature photography. I am captivated by learning about and ‘capturing’ photos of birds. Some of my favorite snaps are of Hummingbirds, Great White Egrets, Great Blue Herons, Owls, Black Phoebes, Hawks, etc. I enjoy visiting local or regional lagoons, the ocean, or county parks. I also love to photograph benches, people, animals, and beach landscapes. Oh, and I write poetry of course!
Is there another profession you would like to try?
I treasure the fact that I have had several personal and professional reinventions…as nurse, poet, filmmaker, actor, mentor, speaker, photographer and consultant/entrepreneur, but I’d still marvel at being a film director on a feature documentary or narrative. And…action!
Do you collect anything? If so, what, why and for how long?
I love collecting several things: hummingbird items, heart-shaped items and cool necklace/earring sets and holiday ornaments. I’d say most of these have been for at least 7 years. They all bring me some sort of JOY. They make me smile, reflect or reminisce.
Do you have another artistic outlet in addition to your writing?
Yes, several! I love photography as mentioned above. I enjoy acting and filmmaking (producing, casting, publicity), tap dancing and I teach Haiku workshops.
If you could create a museum exhibition what would be the theme?
A few here: 1. I would love to do a photography exhibit with either my photos from birdwatching or my photos of benches. 2. An exhibit of nurse poets and nurse photographers. 3. An exhibit of veteran photography and art or literary works.