
That Sinking Feeling: Adventures in ADHD and Ship Salvage is about my son’s ADHD seen through the lens of my Dad’s ship salvage career. It’s peppered with stories and insights from interviews with parents whose kids have ADHD and from individuals who have ADHD themselves. The podcast is written and produced by Elizabeth Rynecki and Tony Kaplan. Read our bios to learn more about us.

About the Logo

The M.V. “Oriental Warrior” sunk alongside the Jacksonville Port Authority container pier (1972) following fire on board. My father was hired as the ship salvage engineer to provide on site casualty and engineering services. They offloaded the cargo and refloated the ship. The drawing was made by Bob Johnson and used in promotional brochures distributed by my father to clients. This ship is not discussed in any of the episodes.


Wherever you get podcasts [But not yet! Link TBD]

Instagram: @ThatSinkingFeelingPod

Episode Notes [note: links are currently password protected. Notes will be accessible once the show airs.]

Episode One: Fiery Wreck

Episode Two: Shame

Episode Three: 2,000 Gallons of Sulfuric Acid and a Submarine Full of Pancake Batter

Episode Four: Drop the Rope

Episode Five: My Mother Loved me on Ritalin

Episode Six: Hopes and Fears

Music Credits

Coming Soon….

ADHD Resources

If you are a parent struggling to understand your kid’s ADHD (or your own!), it can be incredibly overwhelming to figure it all out. Click through to take a look at a few resources you might find helpful.

Ship Salvage

Still feeling confused about Ship Salvage? Or simply want to learn more? Click through for more details and a few related articles.

End Credits

Learn more about the voices heard throughout the podcast.